Brief issue 56 – cover by Matt Kelly
After a long wait brief issue 56 came out recently, much to everyone’s excitement! I know I am biased (having edited it) but there really is a lot of wonderful writing in this issue, as well as vispo, paintings, and reviews. Editing brief takes time, but spending time in its strange world is always a pleasure because of the quality – and quantity – of interesting work that comes our way.
Writers include John Adams, Nick Ascroft, Iain Britton, Nicholas Butler, Brent Cantwell, Jill Chan, Stephanie Christie, Makyla Curtis, John Downie (who has some amazing paintings), Doc Drumheller, Norman Franke, Jasmine Gallagher, Michael Giacon, Joy Holley, Mark Houlahan, Erik Kennedy, Rhiannon Leddra, Bronwyn Lloyd, Caoimhe McKeogh, Piet Nieuwland, Keith Nunes, Sarah Penwarden, Chris Pigott, Sugu Pillay, essa may ranapiri, Vaughan Rapatahana, Sahanika Ratnayake, Jack Ross, Lisa Samuels, Erena Shingade, Carin Smeaton, Fiona Stevens, Chris Stewart, David Taylor, Richard Taylor, Loren Thomas, Richard von Sturmer, and Mark Young.
Available from certain bookshops (if your favourite cool bookshop doesn’t have it, you can ask them to order it) or via brief‘s website.